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Nov 27, 2019 4:58 AM

Mar 2019
With the third season about a third of the way done and doing amazing (about a 9-10 for me right now). If Chihayafuru keeps it up, how will in compete with Sangatsu no Lion in your opinion.

I feel that for me Chihayafuru has a slight edge over Sangatsu because of simply karuta vs. shogi. I also love the characters for both series, but Chihayafuru 3 is doing a great job with character development with a bunch of characters 8 episodes in.

What do you guys think at the moment? Do you see Chihayafuru above Sangatsu no Lion or vice versa or as equals?
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Nov 27, 2019 6:30 AM

Nov 2007
Both do amazing jobs at what they are best. 3-gatsu has a bit of edge in drama while Chihayafuru has in romance. I reckon S3 will surpass 3-gatsu S2 because of incredible character developments to come in the second half of the season.

The character development of side characters will be amazing too. From once a nobady like Hanano-chan to the ever growing Rion<3, from never seem to reach Class A Hyoro-kun to Suou-meijin, everyone will show amazing development. I don't think any other manga manages its characters with such care and attention like Chihayafuru does. And it has so many characters, too!
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Nov 27, 2019 7:01 AM
Feb 2018
Both are masterpiece, but 3gatsu no Lion was better for me. Both dealing with traditional game in japan, both have good character development (especially taichi from chihayafuru). But what's make 3gatsu no lion better is cause the drama and the storytelling (yeah i love every naration in 3gatsu no Lion). Well chihayafuru have their own drama but it isn't that good as 3gatsu no Lion
OrizukiNov 28, 2019 6:36 PM
Nov 27, 2019 7:04 AM

Jun 2017
shanimebib said:
Both do amazing jobs at what they are best. 3-gatsu has a bit of edge in drama while Chihayafuru has in romance.

I totally agree with this statement. Brilliant storytelling and Character Developments but the two slightly vary in the Drama and Romance aspects in particular.

Both, at the end of the day, are fantabulous shows and have made me a curious fan of Shogi and Karuta no less! If I'd to pick one over the other though, I think I'd just go for SanGatsu but very likely Chihayafuru on a few days however.

I hope SanGatsu no Lion will get a 3rd Season so we can finally get in on with the Romance aspect (and some more glorious Drama). Although I've a feeling
_MushiRock11_Feb 11, 2020 10:11 PM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Nov 27, 2019 7:08 AM

Oct 2019
I like both shows but 3-Gatsu No Lion is so much better imo :) ! I think Chiayafuru focus more on Karuta instead of relationship development while 3-Gatsu No Lion is more focus on the relationships instead of shogi. I can see more characters development in 3-Gatsu No Lion than Chiayafuru. I didn't read the manga so I can only talk about the anime adaptation ;) .
Nov 27, 2019 10:25 AM

Jun 2019
I really love both, for if we had to compare both shows, I would say that 3-gatsu is superior in the sens that it treats realistically big problems such as loss of closed ones, depression, bullying, human relationships. Ok Arata lost his grandfather, but he did not endure 10% of what Rei did (loosing all his family, plus being bullied and considered to be a kind of freak), and in this sense, 3-gatsu goes deeper in the analysis of loss of real-life situations. We also get to see very well-written character development of adults such as Shimada-sensei or Akari, and Chihayafuru is lacking on this side.

One should also consider that there are no shounen-like over-dramatization of shougi in 3-gatsu, which makes it more realistic, although I really love the intense fights in Chihayafuru (for me, one of the best "shounen-moments" of anime is the last match of Taichi in S2 : Koi! koi! koi! dero! dero! dero!!!)

The story-telling of both shows is excellent otherwise. For the animation, I must confess that Shaft also wins (the art direction is simply memorable).
Nov 27, 2019 10:44 AM

Sep 2017
It concerns different genres so it's difficult to pick one over the other, they are both excellent

In the same category of "drama anime with great character building and focusing of a very Japanese thing", I also advise people to try Kono Oto Tomare and especially Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, 2 other niche great animes
Nov 27, 2019 1:20 PM

Jun 2019
Themousen said:
It concerns different genres so it's difficult to pick one over the other, they are both excellent

In the same category of "drama anime with great character building and focusing of a very Japanese thing", I also advise people to try Kono Oto Tomare and especially Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, 2 other niche great animes

I could not second more your thoughts on Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: probably one the few anime which can be called masterpiece; everything, from the art direction to the very realistic and enjoyable characters and story was remarkable. Some of the rakugo pieces are really memorable
. I kind of sense a big influence from Japanese writers, and most notably of Dazai (Sukeroku is very similar to him), and the writing is of a rare quality.

I feel that Kono Oto Tomare is not completely on the same level (more "stupid" romance in the beginning of S2), but still very enjoyable. In general, anime based on music have a big emotional edge on the other ones, but rakugo performance showed that good theater may reach the same emotional acme.
Nov 27, 2019 1:22 PM

Jul 2012
I don't really compare 3gatsu with Chihayafuru. They are super different lol.

I would put Kono Oto Tomare with Chihayafuru but then, it's not even up to par with Chihayafuru which does characters much better. KoT has a lot of antagonists and high school drama which is what Chihayafuru lacks and excels because it's so different. It's like a 9-10/10 vs 7-8/10 comparison here. But I am super biased to Chihayafuru, which is my 2nd all time fave anime.
Nov 27, 2019 1:28 PM

Jan 2016
Was just thinking about this the other day, and as much as I love Chihayafuru (and I really love Chihayafuru) I'd probably give the edge to Sangatsu no Lion mostly because I feel that the themes and ideas tackled by Sangatsu are more impactful than Chihayafuru's.
You have shit taste, and then I have taste so shit it makes your taste look good
Nov 27, 2019 1:31 PM

Mar 2019
MaskOfIce said:
Was just thinking about this the other day, and as much as I love Chihayafuru (and I really love Chihayafuru) I'd probably give the edge to Sangatsu no Lion mostly because I feel that the themes and ideas tackled by Sangatsu are more impactful than Chihayafuru's.
Yeah the bullying arc for sangtsu was pretty spectacular.
Nov 29, 2019 7:33 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
I don't really think these are that similar so that's a bit of a weird head-to-head comparison to make

But either way I vastly prefer Chihayafuru if so. Watched the first two seasons in a day and a half and loved every second of it. Sangatsu I kinda dropped at one point because it was going so slowly; eventually resumed and finished it but it's never been that special to me
Dec 1, 2019 10:09 PM

Dec 2015
Sangatsu no Lion is far better. I have watched both seasons and liked them. Season 2 even greater - also with the interaction between the chars and the stuff (problems) in their life besides the shogi. At first I did not want to watch the show cause of SHAFT (they often adapted stuff I did not like) and 3 girls (girls-focus often is boring) but after the first main rival (the one with the illness/sickness ... I forgot the name) got introduced I started to love it. Was pretty early in S1.

The game is better. Mature/interesting chars. For Chihayafuru I tried to watch it when S3 was announced but the girl seems too boring. (Your usual shoujo female. Doesn't feel like other "Josei" stuff I have watched before.) The "game" seems boring. Too exagerrated with slamming the cards. (But this seems to happen in real life as well. Didn't even know this game exists in real life before I googled it.)

Was okay to watch a few eps but it going on for too long (apparently they would even need a 2-cour S4 to fully adapt the manga?) lowered my motivation to try - if I only could say it was 7-ish for me by episode 9 of season 1.

Edit: Since someone mentioned Kono Oto Tomare: That one was great from the beginning. A clear 8-9. Did everything right. Nice character mix and the music feels more "normal" than the game in Chihayafuru.
Dec 2, 2019 1:48 AM

Jun 2019
Luthandorius said:
Sangatsu no Lion is far better. I have watched both seasons and liked them. Season 2 even greater - also with the interaction between the chars and the stuff (problems) in their life besides the shogi. At first I did not want to watch the show cause of SHAFT (they often adapted stuff I did not like) and 3 girls (girls-focus often is boring) but after the first main rival (the one with the illness/sickness ... I forgot the name) got introduced I started to love it. Was pretty early in S1.

The game is better. Mature/interesting chars. For Chihayafuru I tried to watch it when S3 was announced but the girl seems too boring. (Your usual shoujo female. Doesn't feel like other "Josei" stuff I have watched before.) The "game" seems boring. Too exagerrated with slamming the cards. (But this seems to happen in real life as well. Didn't even know this game exists in real life before I googled it.)

Was okay to watch a few eps but it going on for too long (apparently they would even need a 2-cour S4 to fully adapt the manga?) lowered my motivation to try - if I only could say it was 7-ish for me by episode 9 of season 1.

Edit: Since someone mentioned Kono Oto Tomare: That one was great from the beginning. A clear 8-9. Did everything right. Nice character mix and the music feels more "normal" than the game in Chihayafuru.

What your post is showing is that you did not watch much of Chihayafuru, since Chihaya is precisely not the kind of annoying Kimi ni todoke like shoujo character. But one can only see this as time goes on. Otherwise, you can check videos, people are really that fast in meijin/queen finals. I think that this is much more challenging to make something exciting as karuta than shougi that people already know (more or less that same rules than chess) or even music which do not need to much explanations to be enjoyed from the start. But the matches do get exciting at a point, and the involvement of the characters in the training is quite impressive (in this sense, it is more shounen than 3-gatsu, that I find however superior for reasons explained above).

There is also the poetry part of the show and the somewhat stronger links with traditional Japanese culture which is much more well-developed and integrated to the story than Kono oto tomare or 3-gatsu.
MeusnierDec 2, 2019 1:54 AM
Dec 2, 2019 2:06 AM
May 2019
I haven't seen Sangatsu no Lion but chihayafuru is fantastic it's definitely not your typical sports anime that's for sure.
Things that make chihayafuru stand out are likable characters and romance/love triangle plus karuta is an interesting and an unusual sport XD
Dec 2, 2019 11:55 AM

Nov 2007
Xstasy said:
I haven't seen Sangatsu no Lion but chihayafuru is fantastic it's definitely not your typical sports anime that's for sure.
Things that make chihayafuru stand out are likable characters and romance/love triangle plus karuta is an interesting and an unusual sport XD

You have to watch 3-gatsu no Lion! It has one of the most beautifully animated episodes (storyboard, script, direction, animation, music) of the decade. But you'll have to be in S2 to experience it!

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Dec 25, 2019 10:26 PM

Nov 2007
I want to add here that Suetsugu-sensei is a fan of 3-gatsu no Lion. She tweeted about how amazing it is again and being a big admirer of Umino Chika-sensei after finishing volume 15. :)
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Dec 25, 2019 11:23 PM
Sep 2016
Chihayafuru is a good show and all, but 3-Gatsu no Lion blows it out of the water in my book. But I don't love any anime more than 3-Gatsu no Lion.
Dec 26, 2019 12:24 AM

Feb 2019
Sangatsu no lion is better than chihayafuru. Kiriyama's development is one of the best ones in all of the animes I've seen. Relatability is also another front where 3-gatsu prevails.
The only front that chihayafuru can have a lead on is romance front considering how popular the love triangles with cute teens in it are.
Dec 26, 2019 1:55 AM
Jul 2019
Both are adapted from award winning manga. Both are faithful and amazing anime adaptation. Hopefully, we can get complete adaptation.
Dec 26, 2019 3:05 AM

May 2019
Both are amazing, but i slightly prefer Sangatsu over Chihayafuru even tho there are some aspects of Chihayafuru that i think are better than Sangatsu
Dec 26, 2019 7:37 AM
Aug 2018
Chihayafuru Focus more in Karuta and About different people Dealing with Karuta with A light romance
While San-Gatsu no lion Is Vary Much focused on Drama with the shougi part are really Less focused ( I mean it's not same like shougi to Show the matches intrestingly like karuta)
Both are different and Best at their way
Chihayafuru S3 was like a dream but it did happened so I hope we get San-gatsu S3 aswell
Dec 26, 2019 7:44 AM

Oct 2010
I still haven't finished the second season and will get later into the third. But Chihayafuru has been easier to love and get into from the beginning, even if I doubt it will reach the absolute peaks of 3-gatsu no lion. I see where the comparison comes from, but they are very different in their core, one being basically a spokon with romance and friendship gravitating around the competition and the other a healing found family story with some competition in between. Aesthetically they are quite different as well, Chihayafuru is more dynamic and 3-gatsu no lion is artsier. Overall they are both gorgeous shows with extremely likeable characters and conflicts but one is I'd say more immediate and the other more of a slow burn. I'll decide when I'm up to date but to me they are more or less equal.

Kono Oto Tomare's first season is in my opinion quite mediocre... I don't doubt that it could be kind of a slow burn and become excellent later but holy shit, it rubs me the wrong way with how much it exaggerates the basic premise of outcast club that has to prove its worth and the characters pale in comparison to like every other slice of life/coming of age show I've seen. Plus it couldn't be less impressive or engaging in its display of koto. It's so bland.
jal90Dec 26, 2019 7:54 AM
Dec 26, 2019 8:00 AM

May 2015
They aren't really comparable in terms of the main themes but as a personal opinion, Chihayafuru is good while 3-gatsu is amazing. I prefer how deeper the latter delves into the mind and inner struggles of Kiriyama, we go through the whole journey of his personal growth. Chihayafuru has these aspects too but there is more focus on karuta and the overall tone is much lighter.

Also, when I watched first 2 seasons, I struggled a bit with caring about karuta itself. Watching it now weekly is easier as I don't get tired of the matches and the sing-song manner the cards are read. For some reason, it really gets on my nerves if I hear it too much.

The adaptation by Shaft really brings the story of 3-gatsu on a whole new level too. It also depends on the characters and the problems they are faced with and how much I can relate to them. So for me, 3-gatsu is definitely better.
Dec 27, 2019 5:44 AM

Nov 2007
Umino Chika-sensei's emotional response to Suetsugu-sensei. Just beautiful. :')

I love them both but I have known Umino Chika-sensei for so much longer and to this day, she is the only mangaka with two entries that have had anime in my all time Top 10 at some point.

Hachimitsu to Clover is at the pinnacle of coming of age stories. Nothing can ever top it. The soul searching journey of Takemoto remains one of the most inspiring things I have seen/read in my life even after all these years have come and gone. :)
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Dec 27, 2019 6:09 AM

Aug 2016
NotxMe said:
I like both shows but 3-Gatsu No Lion is so much better imo :) ! I think Chiayafuru focus more on Karuta instead of relationship development while 3-Gatsu No Lion is more focus on the relationships instead of shogi. I can see more characters development in 3-Gatsu No Lion than Chiayafuru. I didn't read the manga so I can only talk about the anime adaptation ;) .

I share this opinion and would like to add that the bullying / isolation of hinata was amingly well writen and directed. I felt real sadness during those scenes and real relief how Rei handled that situation. Chihayafuru is a 9 for me and march comes in like a lion is a 10 for me
Dec 28, 2019 1:21 PM
Mar 2015
One difference that was pointed out in the Umino-Suetsugu interview was that Umino cares more about the end that she is trying to reach while Suetsugu is more concerned with the journey to get there
Dec 28, 2019 4:10 PM

Mar 2017
It’s funny seeing a thread comparing the 2 since I totally thought of 3-gatsu as Chihayafuru’s seinen cousin when I watched it lol. I think both shows are fantastic in their own right though I’d give 3-gatsu a very slight edge mainly because A) shogi interests me more than karuta (though props to Chihayafuru for making me genuinely interested in karuta when before that I had never even heard of it) and B) I found some of 3-gstsu’s thematic beats to be more raw and impactful than Chihayafuru’s (though S3 specifically has been doing an outstanding job in that regard as well).
The right to violate the rights of the people belong only to the people themselves!
Jan 2, 2020 4:10 PM

Jul 2012
HaXXspetten said:
But either way I vastly prefer Chihayafuru if so. Watched the first two seasons in a day and a half and loved every second of it. Sangatsu I kinda dropped at one point because it was going so slowly; eventually resumed and finished it but it's never been that special to me
This, I didn't find 3gatsu worthy of being something I would re-read/rewatch. It just doesn't hit close to home.

Umino's Honey and Clover though... That shit hits HARD.
I prefer Chihayafuru to HnC because it's incomplete and has more potential to be better but HnC >>>>>>> 3gatsu.

landofthekwt said:
One difference that was pointed out in the Umino-Suetsugu interview was that Umino cares more about the end that she is trying to reach while Suetsugu is more concerned with the journey to get there

I can see that, definitely having read Umino's other completed works as well as Suetsugu's other complete works.
Jan 5, 2020 1:14 AM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
For me, 3-gatsu no Lion is atleast 100x better. Season 2 blows everything out of the water.
cchiguJan 5, 2020 1:18 AM
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Jan 5, 2020 3:06 AM

Oct 2018
I don't think Chihayafuru is similar to 3 gatsu no lion. Chihayafuru focuses more on the sport, and 3gatsu focuses more on the drama. With that said, 3gatsu no lion is in my top 3 favorite anime, and it's definitely the best anime I have ever seen, so I would have to say 3gatsu no lion is better. But I would also say 3gatsu no lion better than any other anime I have watched imo.

Jan 5, 2020 5:32 AM
May 2014
Chihayafuru is better , shogi is not interesting as karuta. There are billion games like shogi so game doesnt excited to me.But karuta is best unique game i ever seen.
Jan 5, 2020 7:05 AM

Dec 2015
I haven't watched a single episode of 3-gatsu no Lion yet so I can't really say anything about its quality. I do hope it is as good as people say it is though. Chihayafuru is great though.

Valiantlion960 said:
Chihayafuru is better , shogi is not interesting as karuta. There are billion games like shogi so game doesnt excited to me.But karuta is best unique game i ever seen.

How can you even say one is better when you haven't even watched 3-gatsu? Or is your list behind?

shanimebib said:
I want to add here that Suetsugu-sensei is a fan of 3-gatsu no Lion. She tweeted about how amazing it is again and being a big admirer of Umino Chika-sensei after finishing volume 15. :)

I've just read an interview with both Umino and Suetsugu and their banter seems like they are good friends? You know anything about that?

HaXXspetten said:
I don't really think these are that similar so that's a bit of a weird head-to-head comparison to make

Funny, because the mangaka themselves would definitely disagree with you. They can point out the differences easily but Umino Chika, the mangaka of 3-gatsu no Lion, has admitted to refraining reading Chihayafuru because she thought both were too similar. It's only after she started reading it again that she could point out the differences.
Jan 6, 2020 7:10 PM

Mar 2017
Valiantlion960 said:
Chihayafuru is better , shogi is not interesting as karuta. There are billion games like shogi so game doesnt excited to me.But karuta is best unique game i ever seen.
Chihayafuru is a better sports anime, but Sangatsu no Lion is a better drama.
Jan 6, 2020 8:33 PM

Nov 2007
holysauron said:
shanimebib said:
I want to add here that Suetsugu-sensei is a fan of 3-gatsu no Lion. She tweeted about how amazing it is again and being a big admirer of Umino Chika-sensei after finishing volume 15. :)

I've just read an interview with both Umino and Suetsugu and their banter seems like they are good friends? You know anything about that?

They tend to send compliments through tweets to each other once in a while. I am not sure how much they are acquainted with each other other than their works.

Although I love Chihayafuru and I have special admiration for Suetsugu Yuki-sensei, I am more into Umino Chika's fandom if I am being honest. She is special and has a very unique way of storytelling. Her characters have more depth and as a result have more well rounded feel about them. Hinata from 3-gatsu no Lion, a middle school girl, for an example, could probably carry the entire story on her back. That's how well written her characters are. It strikes me how Hinata switches between "Rei-kun" and "Kiriyama-kun" - a trait that is so very unique. If anyone's not familiar of the story, don't get the wrong idea because "Kiriyama Rei" is just "one person".

She is also incredibly renowned in Japan. She conquered both female and male demographics (Josei and Seinen) with bestsellers - a feat that is, if I am not mistaken, unrivaled in the industry. She often gets shortlisted as one of greatest mangaka of all time. Suetsugu-sensei on the other hand has become an amazing author and grew with Chihayafuru.

Coming back to the topic, I think there is a subtle senpai-kouhai (Chika-Yuki) relationship they have going between them if any. It shows somehow which is understandable. :)
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Jan 6, 2020 11:50 PM
May 2019
Chihayafuru is definitely more accesible, it is also way more entertaining and easy to hook. I really want to finish 3-gatsu no Lion because I love Shaft, so far it has been kinda painful. Hopefully in the end it will be worth it.
Jan 7, 2020 3:32 AM
Aug 2018
I'm gonna be completely honest here.
Chihayafuru is enjoyable but nowhere near 3gatsu no lion .
March has better written story , characters ,pacing and animation
All of the sangatsu characters are interesting while there are some characters in chihayafuru that are outright boring or annoying
Even though I really like characters like arata and taichi c, they can't be compared to anyone from the main cast of March.
There's also one thing in chihayafuru that takes it down a notch and that is the team matches drag out so much that I loose interest after a little while and they also take up the time which could be given to character interactions and development all the best moments from it are from individual matches
I really like the playing style that taichi, arata has it makes the game 10× better than the usual borefest that we receive in few of the matches.

Plus they like to do team matches in haikyuu style or at least try to but they just can't reach that level .
The matches in March are simple and yet at the same time so intense and gripping
People like shimada and mejin have matches that just have you at the edge of your seats

All the characters whether it be his family , the 3 girls, shogi society, his friends, antagonists , everyone is just a cut above than what chihayafuru has to offer.

If they fix there pacing a bit and cut down on the matches and focus more on story, chihayafuru has great potential.

Personally I also like the game structure of shogi a lot more than karuta (since I wasn't familiar with the game and they did a poor job at introducing me to it, I also didn't knew volleyball but the way haikyuu presented it, simple at the start and intricate afterwards was exactly what I was expecting , since it can't be logical like shogi )
They also introduced the idea of colors and pictures in cards but never bothered to use it much which made all the poem expressions boring, worthless and made it look like a waste of time.
I could go on about a lot of points on this but I think this is enough to make my point. Chihayafuru has potential to be like sangatsu but it never used it to it's advantages
Jan 7, 2020 11:58 AM
May 2014
Brandon2149 said:
Valiantlion960 said:
Chihayafuru is better , shogi is not interesting as karuta. There are billion games like shogi so game doesnt excited to me.But karuta is best unique game i ever seen.
Chihayafuru is a better sports anime, but Sangatsu no Lion is a better drama.
Shogi just ... a board game? As a board game player its boring to me .İ prefer sport than drama and i really bored from desperate characters .İt doesnt get me

Karuta is a way better sport. İnternational karuta growing too! Glad chihayafuru made it.
Jan 11, 2020 10:33 PM

Jul 2012
Valiantlion960 said:
Brandon2149 said:
Chihayafuru is a better sports anime, but Sangatsu no Lion is a better drama.
Shogi just ... a board game? As a board game player its boring to me .İ prefer sport than drama and i really bored from desperate characters .İt doesnt get me

Karuta is a way better sport. İnternational karuta growing too! Glad chihayafuru made it.
I agree, I still don't understand shogi after reading more than 100 chapters of 3gatsu. /shrug/ I guess it just isn't for me.

Chihayafuru is super easy to understand even if you can't read Japanese or understand how the syllables work. The general idea is more straight forward than a complex game like chess or shogi where you literally have to plan multiple strategies in your head. Karuta is about game sense and listening, less complicated thinking.
Jan 18, 2020 8:05 PM
Aug 2017
3-gatsu is leagues above Chihayafuru. Character development, animation, sound direction, thematic weight, detailed backgrounds, symbolism, relationships, struggles and triumphs all have more impact. I don’t think you can fairly compare the two.
Jan 20, 2020 5:30 PM
Feb 2018
Mayuka said:
I agree, I still don't understand shogi after reading more than 100 chapters of 3gatsu. /shrug/ I guess it just isn't for me.

Perhaps this is because Sangatsu no Lion isn't about shogi? I don't quite get how someone can watch 44 episodes of something and completely miss the point. Sure, shogi is there, but they could have swapped in competitive professional fly fishing and the story would have just been slightly more moist.

This isn't meant to be a dig against anyone in particular- we're ultimately talking about preferences here which are always and by their nature sujective, but if you watch 3gatsu and come away thinking it's about shogi, then Chihayafuru is probably going to appeal to you more. It's just more accessible- it's less deep and that's ok.

I love Chihayafuru- I love the characters, story, the competitive nature of the sport at its heart- and I love a good coming of age school based anime. But I'm under no illusions- if Chihayafuru is a good show, then 3gatsu is a masterwork.

3gatsu is what I show to people who think Anime is just for kids or just robots fighting with swords.
Jan 20, 2020 5:51 PM

Dec 2016
While I haven't watched it yet, I honestly doubt Chihaya could be as boring as 3Gatsu is. The first couple of episodes of Chihaya also gave me a much better first impression than 3gatsu ever did. In addition, unlike 3gatsu, Chihaya used the appropriate artstyle for the type of series it is. All the moe in 3gatsu looked so out of place...

Jan 20, 2020 5:58 PM

Oct 2014
NotxMe said:
I like both shows but 3-Gatsu No Lion is so much better imo :) ! I think Chiayafuru focus more on Karuta instead of relationship development while 3-Gatsu No Lion is more focus on the relationships instead of shogi. I can see more characters development in 3-Gatsu No Lion than Chiayafuru. I didn't read the manga so I can only talk about the anime adaptation ;) .

I do agree on the sentiment, but I think the different priorities work for chihayafuru because it is an anime more framed as a sport series.
That being the case it contains more in terms of ambition, effort, and making friends through mutual struggles and hardships with the sport itself. That being it makes a lot more sense for the focus to be more on the sports, because the themes and most main characters struggles and conflicts are more directly tied to the sport

This is the question torturing my soul. How can I choose between one or the other?
Both are an essential part of who I am, my ideals practices and beliefs. Both are incredible journeys, that perfect their respective goals with mastery. This i truly hard

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
LoveLikeBloodJan 21, 2020 6:12 AM
Jan 20, 2020 6:09 PM

Jul 2012
drtomaso said:
Mayuka said:
I agree, I still don't understand shogi after reading more than 100 chapters of 3gatsu. /shrug/ I guess it just isn't for me.

Perhaps this is because Sangatsu no Lion isn't about shogi? I don't quite get how someone can watch 44 episodes of something and completely miss the point. Sure, shogi is there, but they could have swapped in competitive professional fly fishing and the story would have just been slightly more moist.

This isn't meant to be a dig against anyone in particular- we're ultimately talking about preferences here which are always and by their nature sujective, but if you watch 3gatsu and come away thinking it's about shogi, then Chihayafuru is probably going to appeal to you more. It's just more accessible- it's less deep and that's ok.

I love Chihayafuru- I love the characters, story, the competitive nature of the sport at its heart- and I love a good coming of age school based anime. But I'm under no illusions- if Chihayafuru is a good show, then 3gatsu is a masterwork.

3gatsu is what I show to people who think Anime is just for kids or just robots fighting with swords.
I know it's not about Shogi but the setting is there. The setting is people competing in shogi games. I literally don't understand the rules and it makes it less enjoyable. It makes me want to skip the scenes where they talk about the strategies and such.

Chihayafuru I watched for the characters and teamwork, not for the sport.
Jan 21, 2020 2:06 AM

Oct 2019
gabrielrroiz said:
NotxMe said:
I like both shows but 3-Gatsu No Lion is so much better imo :) ! I think Chiayafuru focus more on Karuta instead of relationship development while 3-Gatsu No Lion is more focus on the relationships instead of shogi. I can see more characters development in 3-Gatsu No Lion than Chiayafuru. I didn't read the manga so I can only talk about the anime adaptation ;) .

I do agree on the sentiment, but I think the different priorities work for chihayafuru because it is an anime more framed as a sport series.
That being the case it contains more in terms of ambition, effort, and making friends through mutual struggles and hardships with the sport itself. That being it makes a lot more sense for the focus to be more on the sports, because the themes and most main characters struggles and conflicts are more directly tied to the sport

That's basically what I said one is more focused on the sport part (Karuta) the other one is not. I like both but if I've to choose I prefer 3-Gatsu No Lion ;)
Jan 21, 2020 2:31 AM

May 2015
Mayuka said:
drtomaso said:

Perhaps this is because Sangatsu no Lion isn't about shogi? I don't quite get how someone can watch 44 episodes of something and completely miss the point. Sure, shogi is there, but they could have swapped in competitive professional fly fishing and the story would have just been slightly more moist.

This isn't meant to be a dig against anyone in particular- we're ultimately talking about preferences here which are always and by their nature sujective, but if you watch 3gatsu and come away thinking it's about shogi, then Chihayafuru is probably going to appeal to you more. It's just more accessible- it's less deep and that's ok.

I love Chihayafuru- I love the characters, story, the competitive nature of the sport at its heart- and I love a good coming of age school based anime. But I'm under no illusions- if Chihayafuru is a good show, then 3gatsu is a masterwork.

3gatsu is what I show to people who think Anime is just for kids or just robots fighting with swords.
I know it's not about Shogi but the setting is there. The setting is people competing in shogi games. I literally don't understand the rules and it makes it less enjoyable. It makes me want to skip the scenes where they talk about the strategies and such.

Chihayafuru I watched for the characters and teamwork, not for the sport.

Eh, it's your loss. I knew jack shit about Shogi before watching the show and even after completing it twice, I still know very little. And yet it's one of my favorite shows ever. The main heart of the series isn't in the sport, so I really don't understand how not knowing anything makes it unwatchable/unreadable for you.

Jan 21, 2020 2:47 AM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Mayuka said:
drtomaso said:

Perhaps this is because Sangatsu no Lion isn't about shogi? I don't quite get how someone can watch 44 episodes of something and completely miss the point. Sure, shogi is there, but they could have swapped in competitive professional fly fishing and the story would have just been slightly more moist.

This isn't meant to be a dig against anyone in particular- we're ultimately talking about preferences here which are always and by their nature sujective, but if you watch 3gatsu and come away thinking it's about shogi, then Chihayafuru is probably going to appeal to you more. It's just more accessible- it's less deep and that's ok.

I love Chihayafuru- I love the characters, story, the competitive nature of the sport at its heart- and I love a good coming of age school based anime. But I'm under no illusions- if Chihayafuru is a good show, then 3gatsu is a masterwork.

3gatsu is what I show to people who think Anime is just for kids or just robots fighting with swords.
I know it's not about Shogi but the setting is there. The setting is people competing in shogi games. I literally don't understand the rules and it makes it less enjoyable. It makes me want to skip the scenes where they talk about the strategies and such.

Chihayafuru I watched for the characters and teamwork, not for the sport.

For me, Sangatsu no Lion was never about Rei finding his foot in the shogi world. It was way more about the daily life struggles of the characters and how I could relate to the different aspects of these struggles. Over the course of entire two seasons, I have never once wanted to know more about shogi than just its name, to be able to fully enjoy the show.

On the other hand the characters of Chihayafuru feel so shallow compared to Sangatsu's. God bless Umino Chika for Sangatsu. Her writing has improved way too much since HachiClover.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Jan 21, 2020 4:37 AM
May 2014
drtomaso said:
Mayuka said:
I agree, I still don't understand shogi after reading more than 100 chapters of 3gatsu. /shrug/ I guess it just isn't for me.

Perhaps this is because Sangatsu no Lion isn't about shogi? I don't quite get how someone can watch 44 episodes of something and completely miss the point. Sure, shogi is there, but they could have swapped in competitive professional fly fishing and the story would have just been slightly more moist.

This isn't meant to be a dig against anyone in particular- we're ultimately talking about preferences here which are always and by their nature sujective, but if you watch 3gatsu and come away thinking it's about shogi, then Chihayafuru is probably going to appeal to you more. It's just more accessible- it's less deep and that's ok.

I love Chihayafuru- I love the characters, story, the competitive nature of the sport at its heart- and I love a good coming of age school based anime. But I'm under no illusions- if Chihayafuru is a good show, then 3gatsu is a masterwork.

3gatsu is what I show to people who think Anime is just for kids or just robots fighting with swords.

But for me i want watch like these animes for their sport theme. I dont care about characters and their story that much. Sport more important to me. Example one of last anime houkago Saikoro Club i love that so much . Characters is cliche story is bad but games are amazing!
Jan 21, 2020 4:40 AM

May 2014
I prefer Chihayafuru. I'm currently watching season 3, meanwhile i struggled to get past episode 1 of Sangatsu after multiple attempts.
Jan 21, 2020 4:49 AM

Feb 2010
I don't really see how you can compare them. Chihayafuru explores Karuta in a fashion that's very similar to traditional sports anime and combines that with equally traditional shoujo/josei romance elements, with fluffy art and a lot of comfyness.

Meanwhile 3-gatsu is first and foremost an exploration of depression and anxiety that happens to include shogi but you could replace shogi with basically anything and the show wouldn't change much, which can't be said about Chihayafuru and Karuta. Anybody who thinks 3-gatsu is ABOUT shogi, should seriously question their own understanding of the show or media in general.

Basically in Chihayafuru everything is somehow centered around or thematically explored through karuta, while in 3-gatsu the central aspect is the MC and his mental health problems and everything else somehow related back to that, with shogi just being one, relatively minor, aspect that does so.

This is like comparing apples and oranges and any preference for one over the other will most likely just reflect how different they are and which focus the viewer prefers rather than reflecting which show is doing a better job. As someone who doesn't have a clear preference between what focus I prefer, I can only say that both are executed almost to perfection and do what they are trying to do very well.
I probably regret this post by now.
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